Welcome to “Find Your Way,” the newly created blog curated by the Academic Guides. This space will feature bi-weekly posts about the many ways to find your way to, through, and after Duke. The posts will cover a variety of topics including learning strategies, the myth (or cultural norm) of “effortless perfection,” the intersections of academics and well-being, finding meaning and purpose, and so much more. We (the Academic Guides) will be sharing our own thoughts, experiences, and interesting findings and enlisting the various members of the Duke community – undergrads, grad students, faculty, staff, and alumni – to do the same.

Interesting in writing for the blog? We’d love for you to submit a piece. Check out our Blog Submission Guidelines for information about what type of posts we accept, formatting guidelines, and our publishing process. If you have any questions along the way, you can email us at academicguides@duke.edu.

Thanks for stopping by and happy reading!